Company Information

Name Mitsuchi Corporation
Established June 17, 1963
Capitalizations 405.9 million yen (as of June 30, 2023)
Representative Mamoru Shimomoto,President and CEO
Kazushi Nakamura, Chairman and CEO
Line of Business Manufacture and sale of custom fasteners for automotive components
Workforce 513 (as of June 30, 2023; consolidated)
Banking Partners MUFG Bank
Shoko Chukin Bank
Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation
Daisan Bank
Directors Mamoru Shimomoto,President and CEO
Kazushi Nakamura, Chairman and CEO
Yasuyuki Murakoshi, Director
Nobuyuki Endoh, Director
Yuka Sawada, Director(Outside)
Masaru Ishiguro, Director (Audit and Supervisory Committee)
Shigeyuki Higashino, (Outside) Director (Audit and Supervisory Committee)
Yoko Ogawa, (Outside) Director (Audit and Supervisory Committee)
Organizational Chart

Corporate Guide

Corporate Guide
Corporate Guide

Environmental Policy

Environmental Policy
Environmental Policy